On 30th April in Krakow, as part of the 15th Mastercard OFF CAMERA, this year’s greatest feast for series lovers will start. The forthcoming edition of Player Serialcon will be held under the banner “crossing boundaries”. The fans of series are invited to attend panels with stars and people working behind the scenes.
Genre boundaries, moral and social roles-related boundaries, and finally geographical boundaries – are the themes that this year’s Player Serialcon will be devoted to. The special section of the 15th Mastercard OFF CAMERA will traditionally concentrate on small screen productions. From 30th April to 3rd May, Krakow will be the venue for meetings not only with TV series actors and makers, but also with bloggers and podcasters. As always, series episodes will be premiered on the silver screen.
The program of Player Serialcon will include a series of meetings devoted to international issues, such as: co-productions, the participation of Polish actors in foreign series, as well as Polish productions enjoying success abroad. This way, we will show the series crossing geographical boundaries – the programmers emphasize. The discussions will also focus on women who play important and interesting roles “on the other side of the camera”, roles that until recently have been attributed to men. This is yet another area where we observe crossing gender boundaries in terms of professional roles. The talks will concentrate on the best Polish series productions from the premium segment and the people responsible for their quality.
Part of the festival panels will be held in the premises of Radio RMF FM. For the second time, the titular partner of Serialcon is the most popular local website VOD player.pl. There are no doubts that within recent years, the platform has become a major player on the market of series. Its hallmark are productions under the Player Original brand, the library of which is expanding year by year with an increasing number of titles. This proves that Polish series are good quality and engaging stories. The Player Original library titles include: the series about Chyłka, Szadź [Szadz], Nieobecni [The Absent], 25 Years of Innocence. The Case of Tomek Komenda, The Elements of Sasza – Fire, Skazana [The Convict], Pajęczyna [Spider’s Web], Behawiorysta [The Behaviorist] and Kontrola [Control].
For more information about the program visit: www.offcamera.pl/en